My Wellness Mantra Analysis After completing the basic analysis, the next advanced step of My Wellness Mantra analysis involves working in detail with the data…
My Wellness Mantra Journaling My Wellness Mantra Journaling is a crucial component of self-care. It serves as a tool for recording your feelings and identifying…
My Wellness Mantra Daily Activities My Wellness Mantra offers a unique and enriching self-help process designed to improve mental wellness. This method involves engaging in…
Sunny and Grumpy Learn About Emotions.’ A short story about understanding emotions and triggers, featuring our cartoon characters, Sunny the Sunflower and Grumpy the Cloud.…
Do you ever contemplate your responses when experiencing anxiety or stress? Can you identify when you are feeling happy? What techniques do you employ to…
How Small Daily Activities Can Boost Your Mental Wellbeing. Mental wellbeing is the state of feeling good about yourself, your life and your relationships. It…
Navarasa – Nine emotions with My Wellness Mantra
We feel happy and stressed, but our negative feelings adversely affect our bodies and minds. And these negative feelings are mostly ignored and forgotten as…
My Wellness Mantra is the first step to experiencing self-awareness. Once trained, you will observe and choose to act instead of reacting.
What are emotional trigger points? An action or memory that brings a change in your emotional state that has a significant effect on your mood.…