Sunny and Grumpy Learn About Emotions. A short story about understanding emotions and triggers, featuring our cartoon characters, Sunny the Sunflower and Grumpy the Cloud.…
Tranquility with bell activity is a mindfulness practice that involves using the sound of bells to help achieve a state of calm and relaxation. This…
Do you ever contemplate your responses when experiencing anxiety or stress? Can you identify when you are feeling happy? What techniques do you employ to…
How Small Daily Activities Can Boost Your Mental Wellbeing? Mental wellbeing is the state of feeling good about yourself, your life and your relationships. It…
Invest in Time Affluence! Many individuals tend to place a higher value on money than on time, often associating wealth with success and contentment. However,…
Mind Full to Mindful with My Wellness Mantra
My Fyrst is a fun, simple and effective process of understanding our emotions through purposeful awareness. Based on Eastern Wisdom My Fyrst is based on…
We feel happy and stressed, but our negative feelings adversely affect our bodies and minds. And these negative feelings are mostly ignored and forgotten as…
Happiness is not something we struggle for; it should be effectless. It is not found but experienced when you let yourself free and observe the…
My Wellness Mantra is a simple text based activities that promote mental wellness. Simply Subscribe, Engage, Record and Share.