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Holidays were fun and exciting; whether it was spent with family, friends or with yourself, it was a break from our year-long daily routine. But now, as we return to our original schedules and regular day-to-day life, we might feel lonely, less motivated, and even stressed and anxious returning to work.

Returning to our usual routine can be challenging after spending some wonderful fun time with our family and friends. Don’t worry. We can work towards easing this feeling of anxiety, and here are some common tips to help you gradually return to your everyday life.

First, let us go shopping! This time not for gifts or holiday shopping but for groceries such as fruits, honey, fresh flowers, or indoor plants.

Plan the following steps to ease yourself into daily schedules:

Welcome freshness – Have a bowl of fresh-cut fruits in the mornings.

Meditate – Relax and meditate for a minute or more. Focus on your breathing!

Practice mindfulness – Calm yourself by arranging flowers you have bought and enjoy the beauty of each petal. If it’s a plant, place it where it gets good sunlight, and give your full attention with daily care. Watch the plant grow.

Good rest – Have a spoonful of honey before bed; it helps you sleep better by soothing your stomach.

Following these tips for a week, in addition to your everyday routine, will help you feel better and recover faster from post-holiday depression and stress. If you have other ideas and suggestions, please feel free to leave your comments or share this post with your family or friends.

We wish everyone a very Happy and Warm New Year 2023. Make this year a healthy year by doing regular physical exercises and including mental wellness as part of your overall well-being.